
As an interior architect, photographer, and plant enthusiast, I've cultivated a keen sense of visual acumen since my early years. I honed my craft by teaching myself photography, which has translated beautifully into my interior design work. My photographer's eye has given me a unique edge in lighting and composition, as evidenced by my impressive track record of winning and placing in various design competitions, such as the YDA 2019, Archdaily Visualisation Award 2020, and SIDA Youth 2020/2021.What drives me to design is the profound satisfaction I feel when my work transforms my clients' living spaces. Finding creative solutions to design problems is my passion, and I relish the challenge of working within the constraints of an existing space. For me, it's like piecing together a complex puzzle, a delightful endeavour that consistently yields beautiful results.


As an interior architect, photographer, and plant enthusiast, I've cultivated a keen sense of visual acumen since my early years. I honed my craft by teaching myself photography, which has translated beautifully into my interior design work. My photographer's eye has given me a unique edge in lighting and composition, as evidenced by my impressive track record of winning and placing in various design competitions, such as the YDA 2019, Archdaily Visualisation Award 2020, and SIDA Youth 2020/2021.What drives me to design is the profound satisfaction I feel when my work transforms my clients' living spaces. Finding creative solutions to design problems is my passion, and I relish the challenge of working within the constraints of an existing space. For me, it's like piecing together a complex puzzle, a delightful endeavour that consistently yields beautiful results.

Around the World in Design Style
Blade Runner
Wallace's Office
Wallace's Office
Caustic Corridor
Caustic Corridor
Luv's office
Luv's office
Product Rendering
iPhone 5s Midnight-green

It’s actually not too hard to model. The model turned out cleaner than I thought. Everything you see here can be done on SketchUp make (which is the free version, had it since 2017) no need for extensions. 
For this model, I measured off of my old 5s and for me that’s a better way to model than just from reference images. Personally I find this iPhone’s design to be the best one still.
HDRI Exploration
All of these scenes are 100% lit with HDRIs, a technique called image based lighting (lighting based on an image). The only thing that was changed between them are the background HDRI. What is HDRI you may ask? Well, HDRI is an acronym for High Dynamic Range Imagery.

And what is that? It is an image format (.hdr) that contains extended information between the brightest pixel and the darkest pixel. For those of you familiar with stops (in photographic term) a typical HDRI can reach 22 stops and a typical jpeg can reach a measly 11 stops on average.

To put that into perspective, 11 stops equates to 2048 times brighter between the brightest and darkest pixel (2 to the power of 11). Compare that to 22 stops: 4,194,304 that’s more than 4 million times brighter.
And 2,048 times more dynamic rage than a jpeg image, his image format can fit luminosity from the deepest shadow all the way to anything as bright or brighter than the freaking sun!!!
Oh and it’s also a spherical image, meaning that light can be wrapped around your model and all reflections are true and accurate.
Default Sky
Default Sky
Clear Sky
Clear Sky
Sunset Overcast
Sunset Overcast
Urban Overcast
Urban Overcast
Urban Blue Hour
Urban Blue Hour
Shanghai Night
Shanghai Night
Miniature Studio
Miniature Studio
Lake House
Lake House 1
Inspired by some of Mies Van Der Rohe’s works
Archdaily Visualisation Award Finalist 2020 (Exterior)
Lake House 2 
Depth maps were used here to get the fogs in and masking out the foreground​​​​​​​. God-rays were added in post render.
Material Exploration
Subsurface Scattering
Subsurface Scattering
Designer's Table

The room itself and everything on the table is 100% rendered.
About 80% of the object is modelled by me, and 90% of the material are completely custom.
All modelled on SketchUp and rendered on Twilight.

My favourite lens
Sigma 18-35 f/1.8
Took me 26hrs to model this and I’m very proud of this.
No subdivision was used. it was all raw geometry.
Tape Man

Made this model using photographs for the texture and a lot of references images
Spiral Staircase

Oval stair case. Used a new extension call Flowify to make this stair. 
Very confusing when I first started but I got it by the end. Which turns out to be a very useful extension. Which is highly recommend. 
There’s actually a mistake on the top of the left hand railing which I can’t fix, the right hand railing turned out fine
Low-poly Modelling

First time trying low poly modelling, This is based on an image I found online. More fun than I originally thought

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